
‘Shockwave therapy effectively reboots the healing process.’

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We are a team of Chartered Physiotherapists in Ennis that specialise in providing evidence-based practice to our clients. Our physiotherapists are members of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists and State Registered with CORU.

Shockwave therapy system

What is Shockwave?

Shockwave therapy treatments allow us to deliver energy deep into the injured tissues, creating new blood vessels, and activating the body’s natural healing processes.

The acoustic pulses created by the shockwave spread radially into the underlying tissue and are capable of penetrating 5-6cm into the injured area—much deeper than traditional methods.

Shockwave acts as a targeted pro-inflammatory intervention, especially in chronic conditions where the healing process has been very slow to respond to traditional methods of treatment.

“Shockwave therapy effectively reboots the healing process”. — Prof Tim Watson, University of Hertfordshire

What is the technology behind Shockwave?

Radial Shockwave (R-SW) is ballistically generated by compressed air or electromagnetical energy. The compressed air or electromagnetic field is used to drive a projectile through a cylinder located inside the hand piece to a ‘shock transmitter’. The kinetic energy generated by the motion and weight of the projectile converts into acoustic energy when the projectile hits the shock transmitter. The acoustic pulses then spread radially into the underlying tissue, treating a broader superficial area though, still capable of 5-6cm penetration.

Different designs of shock transmitters are available according to their size, shape, and material, offering different profiles of wave penetration.

Shockwave and You

Chronic soft tissue conditions recover slowly and whilst shockwave therapy accelerates the repair, healing still takes time. A typical course of Shockwave is 4 to 6 sessions and we recommend intervals of 5-10 days between treatment sessions.

There are minimal side effects to Shockwave but occasionally redness of the skin, possible bruising, or some discomfort in the treated area may occur. Shockwave treatment is only part of a therapy session and is combined with other modalities, such as prescribed exercises and manual therapy.

Due to the anaesthetic effect of the treatment, it is recommended that you do not engage in physical activity for 48 hours after a Shockwave treatment—particularly so in the case of weight-bearing tendons.

It is also recommended that you should not receive Shockwave for 6 weeks following a cortico-steroid injection, as the injection produces anti-inflammatory effects, while Shockwave produces a targeted pro-inflammatory effects that re-boot the healing process.

What can Shockwave treat?

Radial Shockwave (R-SW), when applied with the correct prescription for the right indications, is an excellent treatment for many chronic conditions that other treatments cannot impact or heal.

Examples of R-SW indications include:

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Greater trochanteric Pain Syndrome
  • Achilles mid-portion tendinopathy
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Patellar Tendinopathy
  • Cervical Trigger Points


Shockwave therapy system

I thought the pain would never go away. I had tried many different treatments before Shockwave with little or no result. I don’t know why I hadn’t hear about Shockwave sooner. Six weeks after Shockwave, thanks to the team at Clare Physio, my foot is pain free and I have gotten my life back!

Retired Civil Servant, via text
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Opening Hours

Mon 8:15am –  3:00pm
Tue 8:15am –  3:00pm
Wed 8:15am –  2:15pm
Thu 8:15am –  2:15pm
Fri 8:15am –12:00pm

Cahercalla Road, Ennis,
Co. Clare, V95 DF78


065 684 0931
+353 65 684 0931